What’s on


Usually at the Immanuel Chapel, either Sunday morning or evening – an informal exploration of a topic. With discussion, music and time to reflect.

Kid’s Connect

New for 2021, for any primary aged kids joining us for fun, interactive and high energy Zooms calls with games, craft, stories and chat.


At various times of the day and evening, either in homes or our little donated Chapel, often involving food and lots of chat we have discussed helpful books, videos or simply looked at life themes and sought each others wisdom. Here church really becomes family – where we look after each other through life’s many twists and turns

What to expect at a Sunday Connect

Each Sunday gathering can have a different theme but there are usually some common ingredients. We shape the content by those who come along. Someone may have a song they like that fit with the topic or a reading or perhaps a YouTube clip they want to share. Someone else might have a personal experience that is relevant. Most times we will look at an extract from the Bible and take some time to unpick it and discuss it together, with all questions and opinions welcome. In our busy lives we also value some time of quiet and reflection where we can be still, pray and ponder. We may also have some time where we can be prayed for or have people or situations that are on our hearts prayed for too. As often as possible we will have plenty of food and drink to enjoy, whether that’s a simple coffee and cake or a shared lunch.

Our Calendar