Welcome to

Connect Exminster

Who we are

Connect is an inclusive community of ordinary people working out together what it looks like, in practical terms, to live Christ’s way of love. 

We have been drawn to the way of love that Jesus taught and embodied – A life of wholeness, reconnecting us to one another, ourselves and God. We are an emerging community, affiliate to St. Martin’s CoE Church, who are trying to work out what it means to be church not just go to church.

We are part of the Inclusive Church network which means, “We believe in inclusive church – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.

We will continue to challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.

We believe in a Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.”

We have achieved the Silver Eco Church Award which measures how environmentally friendly Connect is in the following areas of church life:

  • Worship and teaching
  • Management of church buildings
  • Management of church land
  • Community and global engagement
  • Lifestyle

Who leads Connect?

While we have Vanessa Pestridge, who is our curate (vicar) we all work together to lead and run Connect. Those of us who really love the vision and values of Connect meet together regularly to dream dreams and make plans for what we will do. We welcome anyone who shares our values and is willing to offer their time and energy to be a part of this group.

Why our members are part of Connect

“Connect helps me on a personal level and inspires me. I like feeling part of a community that welcomes everyone and allows for questions and discussion of spiritual things that I wouldn’t be able to talk about usually in my everyday life.”

“Connect provides opportunities to discuss and explore, in a safe and caring place, issues surrounding day to day lives and share social and personal issues, as well as the wider world.”

“I like the relaxed format and the times of reflection. I also like the inclusion of young people who are not sent elsewhere and completely part of the worship.”

“Connect is a wonderfully eclectic group with a wide range of ages and experience, it feels very inclusive and this has not always been my experience in other churches I’ve attended.”

“The group are my spiritual family. I feel safe and valued. I am learning more about how Jesus intends me/us to be in this world. I am challenged by what we discuss.”

“Connect has enabled me to grow in faith because I can ask any question I like or say what I think without worrying I will be judged and I can share the journey with members of my family who would not have been interested in being indoctrinated or in attending a standardised church service.”